How does Jerry Whittle decide how much to offer you?
Our appraisals are based mainly on the year, make, model and condition of your boat and how well it has been maintained.
How does Jerry Whittle go about evaluating your boat for purchase?
Our used boat specialists can appraise your boat over the phone by asking a few simple questions about the year, make, model, added options and overall condition of your boat.
What exactly does Jerry Whittle take care of?
When we buy your boat we will handle the entire transaction including all registration and licensing paperwork, arrange loan payoff with your bank if needed, and write you a check in our store!
Why you should not consign your boat:
You have to wait for your money
You lose sight and control of your valuable property
You still have to make payments, insure and license until sold
You do not always obtain what was agreed upon from the consignee
The dealer will not promote your unit equally as their own
Salesmen usually walk around consigned units, because they know there is less profit potential
Boats are vulnerable to theft and vandalism and can be used as a source for parts for other dealer-owned inventory
Boats are vulnerable to damage on test drives
When you sign a consignment contract you will be unable to sell your boat on your own for the length of the contract
If no sale is made, your boat may not be returned to you in the condition as given, or it’s book value may have depreciated
If sold by a dealer, they can easily delay paying you